I have exams in five days. And I have a lot of work to do. What have I been doing you ask? Well, plenty. Plenty of nothing. Isn't it amazing that in the face of intractable deadlines we find ourselves doing all sorts of nonsense other than what we should be. We reprimand our children for this, but we are more ADD than they are.
So I've played a little Farmville, a little Frontierville, goofed around on Facebook, and did nothing. I could be cleaning the bathroom (yuck), tidying up the bedroom (double yuck) or cleaning up my study (urgh).
I've decided that there is really only one way to tackle this most enormous task and that is the Flylady way. So fifteen minutes at a time. You can achieve anything if you just do fifteen minutes a go. I get that sinking feeling in my tummy about even fifteen minutes. I say to myself "tomorrow", but I've been saying that for three weeks.
Maybe I'll think it over in the shower.
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