Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Operation New Broom

So, the new year is getting into full swing again.  Children go back to school again from tomorrow, and I can't tell you how happy this makes me considering how nice it will be to not have a teenager lounging around the house, eating everything in sight, making dishes, and just generally being slovenly.  The best was being told this evening that I don't do my job properly, because the dishwasher had not yet been packed full of the dishes made by Madam herself.  The cheek of it!

I am not in the habit of making new year's resolutions as a general rule, but I did make a few promises to myself that I would try to tidy the house a bit more often, and perhaps walk the dogs...ah yes, the road to hell is indeed paved with good intentions, but hey, I packed the dishwasher tonight. :)

As for keeping the house cleaner, I really do mean it.  I don't know how other people's houses always look so clean and tidy.  Or is it a case of them running around all over the show before guests come and it is merely a guise?  My parents' house, and it was so when I was growing up, is always immaculate.  Sigh...Between one teenager, three dogs and four cats (and probably a few Parktown Prawns) I just don't seem to have the formula.  I also don't seem to have the energy.  Bought myself a multivitamin with extra B vitamins today.  I hope it doesn't just make expensive pee.  I really hope it works.

Operation New Broom...starting tomorrow.  At 05h30.  I think.

1 comment:

  1. Teenagers cannot be rehabilitated. They can only be survived.

    Other people don't have a magic formula, they have servants. (I guess!!) Or they have no kids or pets. You know, those people with the white sofas and the upholstered ottomans the corners of which have never seen a shredding claw...

    The vitamin B injections work well in my experience, so I'm hoping with you that the pills have the same effect :)
